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- Extrait du Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker+, 1992)
- Organisation du catalogue :
- Les nΘbuleuses planΘtaires sont rΘparties dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon
- le mΩme principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
- ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
- dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
- du centre de zones premiΦre zone
- ------------- ------------ --------------
- 15 12 1
- 45 9 13
- 75 4 22
- -15 12 26
- -45 9 38
- -75 4 47
- Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
- Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
- Les donnΘes proviennent des fichiers main.dat, diam.dat, cstar.dat, hbeta.dat
- Les donnΘes pour mv, lv, morph proviennent du fichier pln.dat du Strasbourg
- Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker et al., 1981)
- GPNrec = record ar, de :longint ;
- dim, mv, mHb, cs_b, cs_v : smallint;
- ldim, lv, morph, cs_lb, cs_lv : char;
- png : array[1..10] of char;
- pk : array[1..9] of char;
- name: array[1..13] of char;
- end;
- - ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- - de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- - dim : dimmension en arcsec * 10
- - mv : magnitude visuelle * 100
- - mHb : magnitude Hbeta * 100 ( 10+2.5(-10-FluxHbeta) )
- - cs_b : magnitude B de l'Θtoile centrale * 100
- - cs_v : magnitude V de l'Θtoile centrale * 100
- - ldim : limite de dimension
- - lv : limite de magnitude visuelle
- - morph : indice morphologique
- - cs_lb : limite de magnitude B de l'Θtoile centrale
- - cs_lv : limite de magnitude V de l'Θtoile centrale
- - png : identification de la nΘbuleuse planΘtaire
- - pk : identification Perek-Kohoutek
- - name : autre nom de la nΘbuleuse planΘtaire
- Type Intervalle Format
- ------------ -------------------------- -------------------
- Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
- SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
- Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
- Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
- Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
- Description originale du catalogue :
- V/84 Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker+, 1992)
- ================================================================================
- Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae
- Acker A., Ochsenbein F., Stenholm B., Tylenda R., Marcout J., Schohn C.
- <European Southern Observatory -- ISBN 3-923524-41-2 (1992)>
- =1992ESOPN...1....1A (SIMBAD/NED Reference)
- ================================================================================
- ADC_Keywords: Planetary nebulae
- Description:
- The electronic version of the catalogue referenced above includes
- 1143 true and probable planetary nebulae (Table 1 of publication);
- 347 objects which status is still unclear were classified among the
- "possible" planetary nebulae (file pospn.dat, Table 2 of publication);
- and 330 objects have been rejected (file notpn.dat, Table 3 of
- publication).
- The designation system of the planetary nebulae of this catalogue
- follows the recommendations of IAU Commission 5 (Astronomical
- Nomenclature) with the structure:
- PN Glll.l+bb.b
- where PN means "Planetary Nebula", G stands for "Galactic Coordinates",
- and lll.l+bb.b stand for the galactic longitude and latitude
- respectively, truncated to one decimal place.
- The designations following this system appear in the columns
- labelled "PNG" in the tables described below, where the "PN G"
- prefix has been stripped.
- Data concerning the 1143 true and probable planetary nebulae
- (part II of the publication) have been grouped in a set of related
- tables described below, all sorted by the "PNG" column.
- Note that, unlike the printed volume, only the bibliographic
- references corresponding to data listed in the tables are
- provided here, in the "refs.txt" file.
- Copies of the complete catalogue, including the Finding Charts
- (Part I) can still be ordered at the ESO Information Service,
- Karl-Schwarzschildstr. 2, D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen, Germany,
- at a price of DM 135.
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- main.dat 224 1143 Discoverers, Designations, and Positions of
- True and Possible Planetary Nebulae (1)
- diam.dat 66 1143 Diameters of PN (optical and radio) (1)
- dist.dat 38 296 Distance estimations (2)
- dista.dat 38 3017 Statistical distances (2)
- hbeta.dat 62 991 H-beta fluxes (1)
- intens.dat 117 1046 Line intensities results (1)
- iue.dat 77 1715 IUE observations log (2)
- iras.dat 88 774 IRAS Point Source Catalogue fluxes (1)
- nir.dat 106 365 Near infra-red observations (1)
- radio.dat 46 689 Radio observations (1)
- vel.dat 73 614 Radial and Expansion Velocities (1)
- cstar.dat 285 692 Data concerning Central Stars of PN (1)
- notes.dat 115 703 Notes and remarks about some nebulae (2)
- refs.txt 80 1223 References
- pospn.dat 111 347 Possible PN (table 2)
- notpn.dat 121 330 Objects rejected as PN (table 3)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): one entry or less per planetary nebula
- Note (2): several entries may exist for a planetary nebula
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: main.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13- 14 I2 h RAh Right Ascension 1950 (hours)
- 16- 17 I2 min RAm Right Ascension 1950 (minutes)
- 19- 23 F5.2 s RAs [0/60[? Right Ascension 1950 (seconds)
- 24 A1 --- DE- Declination 1950 (sign)
- 25- 26 I2 deg DEd Declination 1950 (degrees)
- 28- 29 I2 arcmin DEm Declination 1950 (minutes)
- 31- 34 F4.1 arcsec DEs [0/60[? Declination 1950 (seconds)
- 35 A1 --- qualPos [ad*] Accuracy on the 1950 Position:
- a if RA originally only given to 0.1min
- d if DE originally only given to 0.1arcmin
- or worse
- * if both 'a' and 'd'
- 37- 44 A8 --- refPos Reference of position
- 46- 58 A13 --- Name Main designation
- 60- 68 A9 --- PK Designation in PK67
- 70- 80 A11 --- IRAS Designation in IRAS catalogue
- 82-112 A31 --- Disc Discoverer name and publication year
- 115-224 A110 --- Idents Other names separated by commas
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: diam.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13 A1 --- l_oDiam Limit flag on oDiam
- 14- 19 F6.1 arcsec oDiam []? Optical diameter
- 20 A1 --- u_oDiam Uncertainty flag (:) on oDiam
- 22- 49 A28 --- r_oDiam References for oDiam
- 51 A1 --- l_rDiam Limit flag on Radio diameter
- 52- 57 F6.2 arcsec rDiam []? Radio diameter
- 58 A1 --- u_rDiam Uncertainty flag (:) on oDiam
- 59- 66 A8 --- r_rDiam Reference on Radio diameter
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: dist.dat, dista.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 14 A1 --- Method [EKSWXDCM] Method used for distance
- determination (1)
- 16- 21 F6.3 kpc Dist1 []? Lower distance if l_Dist is '-'
- 22 A1 --- l_Dist [-<>] '-' if Dist1 is a lower limit;
- '<' or '>' apply to Dist.
- 23- 28 F6.3 kpc Dist Distance in kiloparsecs.
- 29 A1 --- u_Dist [?:] Uncertainty flag on Dist
- 31- 38 A8 --- r_Dist Reference of Dist determination.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): This field is blank for file "dista.dat" (statistical distances);
- for file "dist.dat", the following symbols are used to describe the method:
- 'C' from cluster membership
- 'D' from dust
- 'E' from local extinction study
- 'K' from kinematical studies
- 'M' mean value from a compilation of individual distances
- 'S' from spectroscopic parallax of binary companions
- 'W' from wind
- 'X' from a comparison of tangential and radial expansions
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hbeta.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary
- Nebula
- 13- 18 F6.2 mW/m2 log(Fbeta) [-15/-9] log of flux in H-beta
- 21- 24 F4.2 mW/m2 e_log(Fbeta) ? Mean error on log(Fbeta)
- 28- 64 A37 --- r_log(Fbeta) References
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: intens.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13- 34 A22 --- ObsLabel Observation name (includes the date)
- 36 A1 --- LineRef [ab] Line taken as reference (value=100):
- 'a'=H-alpha (6563), 'b'=H-beta (4861)
- 40- 46 F7.1 --- I4686 ]0/15000]? Line intensity of HeII at 468.6nm
- 47 A1 --- u_I4686 Uncertainty flag on I4686
- 50- 56 F7.1 --- I4363 ]0/15000]? Line intensity of [OIII] at
- 436.3nm
- 57 A1 --- u_I4363 Uncertainty flag on I4363
- 59 A1 --- n_I5007 [*] '*' if the measurement refers to 495.9nm
- because 500.7nm line is saturated
- 60- 66 F7.1 --- I5007 ]0/15000]? Line intensity of [OIII] at
- 500.7nm
- 67 A1 --- u_I5007 Uncertainty flag on I5007
- 70- 76 F7.1 --- I5876 ]0/15000]? Line intensity of HeI
- 77 A1 --- u_I5876 Uncertainty flag on I5876 at 587.6nm
- 80- 86 F7.1 --- I6563 ]0/15000]? Line intensity of H-alpha
- at 656.3nm
- 87 A1 --- u_I6563 Uncertainty flag on I6563
- 90- 96 F7.1 --- I6584 [0/15000]? Line intensity of [NII] at
- 658.4nm
- 97 A1 --- u_I6584 Uncertainty flag on I6584
- 99 A1 --- n_I6717 [B] 'B' if line is blended
- 100-106 F7.1 --- I6717 ]0/15000]? Line intensity of [SII] at
- 671.7nm
- 107 A1 --- u_I6717 Uncertainty flag on I6717
- 109 A1 --- n_I6731 [B] 'B' if line is blended
- 110-116 F7.1 --- I6731 ]0/15000]? Line intensity of [SII] at
- 673.1nm
- 117 A1 --- u_I6731 Uncertainty flag on I6731
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: iue.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13- 24 A12 --- IUEname Name as found in the IUE Merged Log
- 26- 45 A20 --- 1950Pos Position as found in the IUE Merged Log
- 47- 63 A17 --- ObsDate Date and time (hours, minutes) of the
- Observation
- 65- 66 I2 --- OType Object class as found in the IUE Merged Log
- 68- 70 A3 --- Camera designation, LW=Long Wavelength, SW=Short
- Wavelength
- 72- 76 A5 --- Image identification of the Observation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: iras.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13- 23 A11 --- IRAS IRAS source name
- 24- 25 I2 h RAhIRAS Hours RA, equinox 1950.0, epoch 1983.5
- 26- 27 I2 min RAmIRAS Minutes RA, equinox 1950.0, epoch 1983.5
- 28- 30 I3 ds RAdsIRAS Seconds RA, equinox 1950.0, epoch 1983.5
- 31 A1 --- DE-IRAS Sign Dec, equinox 1950.0, epoch 1983.5
- 32- 33 I2 deg DEdIRAS Degrees Dec, equinox 1950.0, epoch 1983.5
- 34- 35 I2 arcmin DEmIRAS Minutes Dec, equinox 1950.0, epoch 1983.5
- 36- 37 I2 arcsec DEsIRAS Seconds Dec, equinox 1950.0, epoch 1983.5
- 38- 40 I3 arcsec Major Uncertainty ellipse major axis
- 41- 43 I3 arcsec Minor Uncertainty ellipse minor axis
- 44- 46 I3 deg PosAng Uncertainty ellipse position angle (1)
- 47- 48 I2 --- NHcon Number of times observed
- 49- 57 E9.3 Jy Fnu12 Average non-color corrected flux density,
- 12um
- 58- 66 E9.3 Jy Fnu25 Average non-color corrected flux density,
- 25um
- 67- 75 E9.3 Jy Fnu60 Average non-color corrected flux density,
- 60um
- 76- 84 E9.3 Jy Fnu100 Average non-color corrected flux density,
- 100um
- 85 I1 --- q_Fnu12 [1/3] Flux density quality, 12um (1)
- 86 I1 --- q_Fnu25 [1/3] Flux density quality, 25um (1)
- 87 I1 --- q_Fnu60 [1/3] Flux density quality, 60um (1)
- 88 I1 --- q_Fnu100 [1/3] Flux density quality, 100um (1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): the IRAS flux qualities are
- 1 = upper limit
- 2 = moderate quality
- 3 = high quality
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: nir.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13- 17 F5.2 mag Jmag []? Magnitude in J filter (1.25um)
- 19 A1 --- l_Hmag Limit flag on Hmag
- 20- 24 F5.2 mag Hmag []? Magnitude in H filter (1.65um)
- 26 A1 --- l_Kmag Limit flag on Kmag
- 27- 31 F5.2 mag Kmag []? Magnitude in K filter (2.22um)
- 33 A1 --- l_Lmag Limit flag on Lmag
- 34- 38 F5.2 mag Lmag []? Magnitude in L/L' filter (3.5/3.8um)
- 39 A1 --- n_Lmag ['] the apostrophe indicates the L' filter
- 41- 45 A5 --- Class [NDSP,?+ ] Class based on the near-IR (1)
- 48- 76 A29 --- PhotRef References for JHKL
- 78-105 A28 --- SpRef References describing the Spectrum
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): The classes indicate the major source of near-IR emission:
- N: from the nebular gas
- D: from the dust
- S: from a star, either the exciting star or a companion
- P: Possibly proto-planetary nebula
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: radio.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13 A1 --- l_Rad2cm Limit flag on Rad2cm
- 14- 19 F6.1 mJy Rad2cm []? Radio flux density at 2cm (14.7GHz)
- 21- 28 A8 --- r_Rad2cm Reference of Rad2cm
- 30 A1 --- l_Rad6cm Limit flag on Rad6cm
- 31- 36 F6.1 mJy Rad6cm []? Radio flux density at 6cm (5GHz)
- 37 A1 --- u_Rad6cm Uncertainty flag on Rad6cm
- 39- 46 A8 --- r_Rad6cm Reference of Rad6cm
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: vel.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13- 18 F6.1 km/s RVel []? Radial Velocity
- 21- 24 F4.1 km/s e_RVel []? Mean error on RVel
- 26- 33 A8 --- r_RVel Source of the Radial Velocity
- 36 A1 --- l_ExpVel Limit flag on ExpVel
- 37- 40 F4.1 km/s ExpVel []? Expansion velocity [OIII]
- 41 A1 --- u_ExpVel [*] Note on ExpVel (1)
- 43- 50 A8 --- r_ExpVel Source of ExpVel
- 53 A1 --- n_ExpVel [+-] Note on the elements (2)
- 56 A1 --- l_ExpVel2 Limit flag on ExpVel2
- 57- 60 F4.1 km/s ExpVel2 []? Expansion velocity [NII]
- 61 A1 --- u_ExpVel2 [*] Note on ExpVel2 (1)
- 63- 70 A8 --- r_ExpVel2 Reference of ExpVel2
- 73 A1 --- n_ExpVel2 [+-] Note on the elements (2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): The '*' indicates that the value is derived from another ion
- (neither [OIII] nor [NII])
- Note (2): This flag has the following meaning:
- '+' when expansion velocity from other ions are given in the reference
- '-' when no value was given in the source
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: cstar.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13- 18 A6 --- AG82 Name in ref. AG82 (Acker et al.,
- Publ. Speciale CDS 3, 1982)
- 22- 26 F5.2 mag Umag []? Johnson's U filter mag. of central star
- 28 A1 --- l_Bmag Limit flag on Bmag
- 29- 33 F5.2 mag Bmag []? Johnson's B filter mag. of central star
- 36 A1 --- l_Vmag Limit flag on Vmag
- 37- 41 F5.2 mag Vmag []? Johnson's V filter mag. of central star
- 44 A1 --- Quality [ABCDP] Accuracy of the photometry (1)
- 47- 72 A26 --- PhotRef References of Photometry
- 75-101 A27 --- Remarks Remarks on Photometry
- 103-116 A14 --- Sp Spectral type of central star
- 117-124 A8 --- r_Sp Reference of Spectral type
- 126-135 A10 --- Sp2 Other spectral classification
- 138-145 A8 --- r_Sp2 Reference of Sp2
- 147-156 A10 --- Sp3 Other spectral classification
- 161-168 A8 --- r_Sp3 Reference of Sp3
- 170-285 A116 --- Names Various designations of the Central Star
- separated by a semi-colon (;)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): The Quality are defined as follows:
- A: mean error < 0.10
- B: 0.10 < mean error < 0.25
- C: 0.25 < mean error < 0.5
- D: 0.5 < mean error
- P: derived from photographs; mean error about 1mag.
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: notes.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 10 A10 --- PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
- 13-115 A103 --- Text Text of the note
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: pospn.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 15 A15 --- Name Usual name
- 17 A1 --- n_PK [*] The '*' indicates that PK was not
- published in the PK67 reference
- 18- 26 A9 --- PK Designation in PK67 (or later, see n_PK)
- 29- 30 I2 h RAh Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
- 32- 35 F4.1 min RAm Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
- 37 A1 --- DE- Declination 2000 (sign)
- 38- 39 I2 deg DEd Declination 2000 (degrees)
- 41- 42 I2 arcmin DEm Declination 2000 (minutes)
- 45- 50 F6.2 deg GLON Galactic longitude
- 52- 57 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic latitude
- 60- 62 A3 --- Class [UHPLNE?*2 ] Class of the object (1)
- 65-111 A47 --- OtherNames separated by a comma (,)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): the class has the following meaning:
- U = no spectrum could be detected
- H = faint object highly reddened showing a weak H-alpha emission
- H2? = faint object showing IRAS colours typical of a HII region
- *? = object with a faint continuum
- ** = object of unclear status with a well known emission line spectrum
- PN = possibly high or normal excitation planetary nebula
- PPN = proto-planetary nebula
- LE = low-excitation nebula
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: notpn.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 15 A15 --- Name Usual name
- 17 A1 --- n_PK [*] The '*' indicates that PK was not
- published in the PK67 reference
- 18- 26 A9 --- PK Designation in PK67 (or later, see n_PK)
- 29- 30 I2 h RAh [0/24[? Right Ascension 2000 (hours) (1)
- 32- 35 F4.1 min RAm [0/60[? Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
- 37 A1 --- DE- Declination 2000 (sign)
- 38- 39 I2 deg DEd [0/90[? Declination 2000 (degrees)
- 41- 42 I2 arcmin DEm [0/60[? Declination 2000 (minutes)
- 45- 50 F6.2 deg GLON [0/360[? Galactic longitude
- 52- 57 F6.2 deg GLAT [-90/90]? Galactic latitude
- 60-121 A62 --- Notes *Notes concerning the object
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): coordinates are blank when several PK designations have
- been assigned to the same PN, as e.g. PK 358-1 1 and PK 358-1 3
- Note on Notes:
- (a) see Acker et al., 1987, A&AS 71, 163
- (b) see Acker & Stenholm, 1990, A&AS 86, 219
- (c) see Acker et al., 1991, A&AS 87, 499
- Note 1 on Al 2-E: this PK number (359+ 3 4) was first given to the
- object Wray 11-88 by Allen in 1979 (Obs. 93, 83) and then used
- by MacConnel in 1983 (Vatican Obs. Publ. 2, n.5, 63). The object
- Wray 17-88 was not detected as having any emission line and
- is this not a PN. Kohoutek in 1983 gives the
- designation 359+3 4 to the object Al 2-E found by Allen and
- this should be used, although Allen himself gives 359+3 5.
- ================================================================================
- (End) Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 21-Dec-1994
- SSD-T-1-0338-0097-83
- April, 1983
- Contract NAS 5-27393
- Robert S. Hill
- Prepared for:
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Goddard Space Flight Center
- Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
- Prepared by:
- ST Systems Corporation
- 4400 Forbes Boulevard
- Lanham, Maryland 20706
- -----------------
- SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1-1
- SECTION 2 - FILE CONTENTS ........................................... 2-1
- SECTION 3 - FILE CHARACTERISTICS .................................... 3-1
- SECTION 4 - REMARKS AND MODIFICATIONS ............................... 4-1
- ------------------------
- This document describes a machine-readable version of the Strasbourg
- Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker et al., 1981). The original
- version of the machine-readable dataset was supplied by the Centre de
- Donnees Stellaires, and has been reformatted as described in Section 4.
- Most of the information in Section 2 is repeated from Acker et al.
- (1981), part 1. Also, the following is quoted directly from that paper:
- The aim of this catalogue is to provide a list of data
- concerning all known planetary nebulae (PN). The total
- number is 1455 including 1036 listed in Perek and Kohoutek
- (PK) catalogue (1967), and including including doubtful
- cases. The additions come from Sanduleak (1975, 1976), Acker
- and Marcout (1977), Weinberger (1977), Peterson (1977),
- Kohoutek (1978), Stephenson (1978), Allen (1979), Murdin et
- al. (1979), Van den Bergh (1979), Purgathofer and Weinberger
- (1980).
- Acker, A.: 1976, These - Publication de l'Observatoire de Strasbourg,
- vol. 4 fasc. 1.
- Acker, A.: 1978, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 33, 367.
- Acker, A.: 1980, Astron. Astrophys. 89, 33.
- Acker, A., Marcout, J.: 1977, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 30, 217.
- Acker, A., Marcout, J., Ochsenbein, F.: 1980, Centre de Donnees
- Stellaires Bull. No. 18, 84.
- Acker, A., Marcout, J., Ochsenbein, F.: 1981, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
- 43, 265.
- Allen, D. A.: 1979, Observatory 99, 83-87.
- Aller, L. H.: 1976, Mem. Soc. Scient. Liege. vol. 9, 271.
- Alloin, D., Cruz-Gonzalez, C., Peimbert, M.: 1976, Astrophys. J. 205,
- 74.
- Higgs, L. A.: 1971, Publ. Astrophys. Branch, Ottawa, vol 1, no. 1.
- Johnson, H. M.: 1976, Astrophys. J. 208, 127.
- Kaler, J. B.: 1978, Astrophys. J. 226, 947.
- Kohoutek, L.: 1978, in IAU Symp. 76, Y. Terzian (D. Reidel Publ Co.
- Dordrecht, Holland).
- Murdin, P., Clarck, D. H., Haynes, R. F.: 1979 Mon. Not. R. Astron.
- Soc. 189, 459-463.
- Perek, L., Kohoutek, L.: 1967, Catalogue of Planetary Nebulae,
- Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
- 1-1
- REFERENCES (continued):
- Peterson, A. W.: 1977, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 89, 129.
- Purgathofer, A., Weinberger, R.: 1980, Astron. Astrophys. 87, L5.
- Sanduleak, N.: 1975, Publ. Warner Swasey Obs., vol 2, no 1.
- Sanduleak, N.: 1976, Publ. Warner Swasey Obs., vol 2, no 3.
- Stephenson, C. B.: 1979, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 90, 396.
- Van den Bergh, S.: 1979, Astrophys. J. 227, 497.
- Weinberger, R.: 1977, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 30, 355.
- 1-2
- -------------------------
- A byte-by-byte description of the contents of the catalogue is given in
- Table 2-1. The information in the "Description" Column is derived mainly
- from the published version whenever possible. The "Suggested Format"
- column is for FORTRAN-formatted reads.
- Table 2-1. File Contents (1 of 2)
- Strasbourg Catalog of Planetary Nebulae
- ----- ----------- ---------
- 1- 9 Perek-Kohoutek (PK) number or number of the
- same form. This catalogue contains 1455
- records. The records are ordered by right
- ascension (bytes 10-17). Note: references
- are given after Section 1 above.
- 1-3 Galactic Longitude, (system II) in I3
- degrees.
- 4-9 Galactic Latitude, (system II) in F6.2
- degrees. In all cases but one, byte
- 9 is blank. In that case,
- PK 358 + 3.10 (zero in byte 9) is
- differentiated from PK 358 + 3.1.
- 10-26 Equatorial coordinates (1950). These agree
- with the radio coordinates of Higgs (1971)
- to within 0.01 minutes of right ascension
- and 0.1 arcminutes of declination.
- 10-11 Hours of right ascension I2
- 12 Blank 1X
- 13-17 Minutes of right ascension F5.2
- 18 Blank 1X
- 19 Sign of declination ("+" or "-") A1
- 20-21 Degrees of declination I2
- 22 Blank 1X
- 23-26 Arcminutes of declination F4.1
- 27 Blank 1X
- 28-32 Visual magnitude
- 28 ">" or blank A1
- 29-32 Visual magnitude of planetary F4.1
- nebula, integrated over its surface.
- A blank field (value 0.0) indicates
- no data.
- 33 Blank 1X
- 2-1
- Table 2-1. File Contents (2 of 2)
- Strasbourg Catalog of Planetary Nebulae
- ----- ----------- ---------
- 34-37 Angular size. Blank field indicates no data.
- 34 Morphology indicator: "<" for star- A1
- like appearance, ">" for fainter
- spherical envelope (Higgs 1971) or
- else blank.
- 35-37 Average diameter of the brightest I3
- part of the planetary nebula, in
- seconds of arc.
- 38 Blank 1X
- 39-42 Mean radial velocity (Acker 1978, 1980).
- Blank field indicates no data.
- 39 Sign: "+" or "-" A1
- 40-42 Mean radial velocity in km/s I3
- 43 Blank 1X
- 44-49 Magnitude of central star.
- 44 ">" or blank A1
- 45-48 Magnitude: either from Kaler (1978) F4.1
- (B value), from Aller (1976), or the
- average value from Perek and
- Kohoutek (1967).
- 49 "V" for variable, otherwise blank A1
- 50-52 Expansion velocity of the planetary nebulae
- (Acker 1976, Johnson 1976, Alloin et al.
- 1976).
- 50 "<", ">", or blank A1
- 51-52 Velocity in km/s I2
- 2-2
- The information in this section describes the logical structure of the
- catalogue file or files. A reminder to the user is included of the
- PHYSICAL tape attributes of which knowledge may be required to read a tape
- copy of the catalog.
- Table 3-1. File Characteristics
- Strasbourg Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae
- (Acker, Marcout, and Ochsenbein 1981)
- Catalogue Abbreviation PLN
- Number of Files 1
- Logical Record Length (Bytes) 52
- Record Format (IBM OS/JCL) Fixed
- Total Number of Logical Records 1455
- Other attributes of the tape will vary from copy to copy, as their values
- are discretionary, or else depend on the computer for which the tape was
- copied. These include the following:
- Number of Tracks
- Density (Bits per Inch)
- Blocksize (Bytes)
- Blocking Factor (= Number of logical Records per Block*)
- Total Number of Blocks
- Character Code
- The values of these parameters for your tape are supplied separately.
- You may wish to write them in above.
- 3-1
- The orignal version of this catalogue was received by the Astronomical
- Data Center (ADC), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, in July 1982, from
- the Centre de Donnees Stellaries (CDS). The present version was
- generated from the CDS version, the purpose of all the modifications
- being to adapt the file for use with FORTRAN programs. (No data values
- were altered.) To this end, the following were done:
- (1) Commas in numbers with decimal fractions were made decimal
- points to conform with FORTRAN usage.
- (2) Decimal points were added to integral values of data that will
- be read with "F" formats according to Table 2-1 above.
- (3) A very few data appeared to be misaligned within the record,
- e.g., '7 ' for ' 7'. These data were realigned.
- (4) The one variable central star (PK 289-0.1) was indicated by
- "VAR" in the magnitude field. This was changed to a "V" to the
- right of the magnitude field.
- (5) The CDS catalogue-number tag at the beginning of each
- record was removed, since this version is not identical in
- format to the CDS version.
- In addition, the catalogue data were checked by a FORTRAN program for
- valid range, such as right ascension between 0 and 24 hours. No errors
- were detected by this check.
- REFERENCES: See after Section 1.
- 4-1